This is the "official" website for our band, This Tragic Affair.
A little information about us, formed during early 2006.
First few members, haiqel, danial, syafiq and me (yasser).
After some time, affan from bowen sec decided to join us.
And there is where we started playing as a one, complete band.
We've done alot of covers from My Chemical Romance and Silverstein.
And do catch us in National Day in north vista secondary school.
Hopefully, by end of this year we'll be performing at gigs around singapore and by then
we'll be releasing our own demos.
Do support us =)
A little update here.
We have been having rehearsals in school in preparation for NDP.
Unfortunately, affan couldn't join because he is in another school.
But alot of credits to nurhadi, who is our replacement.
We are able to perform because of him.
Much appreciated.
Yes, we do received alot of criticsms.
Ranging from our charisma and vocals.
Never mind about that, we'll be more focus next time, hopefully.
Have been facing sound problems during rehearsals.
Coping with alot of these problems mainly due to the sound.
We hope during the actual day, things will be better.
This training and rehearsing has been a great fun to us.
Its been great performing with other bands.
This will certainly be a great learning experience to TTA.
*A little bit of suggestion.
- Try not to be monotonous for the vocals, concentrate on the harmony.
- Do not sing louder than the vocals, for back up.
- During solo part, try to concentrate more on the notes rather than the effects and DONT panic.
- Rhythmist, "giler sikit la" =)
- Drums, be violent =)
*posted by Yasser.